Description Of Chatting

Description Of Chatting
Chatting is an on;line conversation.You share your feelings,jokes and commands to your online friends.Chat rooms are sharing centers.Chat room members are your online friends.Many chat rooms www(World Wide Web).Many peoples use this chat rooms allover in the world.{rivate chatting and group chatting are the two types of the chatting.Private chatting is the conversation between only two members.but the group chatting is conversationbetween chat room's all members.

Histry Of Chatting
Chatting was split by three generations.Spilt by useges and atvandeges.First generation Chatting,Second generation Chatting,Third generation Chatting are the three types of chatting.Give the explain and differents to following titles.

First Generation Chatting
The first
generation chatting is a text chatting.only you type the text to use this chat.But this type chatting was popular at all time.Examble is mobile SMS.You send the sms to your friend. After yoyur friend replay to your sms.The first generation chatting isthis type.Only keyboard use to this chat.Many websites give this type of chat rooms.

Second Generation Chatting
The second generation chatting is a voice chatting.This chatting advanced then first generation
chatting.You speak with your online friends.This is mobile phone calling type Headphone and mike using this type of chatting.You speak and type at same time.Many persons like to join this will voice chat with any time any where.

Third Generation Chatting
This is the advanced of the chatting histry.The third generation chatting is the live video chatting.Live face to face chatting with your friends.Many companies give this ser vices and offers.Hedaphone,mike and web camera are the components used the third generation chatting

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